Saturday, June 9, 2012

Guatemala day 2: Come Fly With Me

Well we're here! We arrived in Antigua at around 10am #GUAT time. I thought Guatemala was on the same time zone as Texas, but I was wrong, they're set with Mountain Time. We flew into Miami and then grabbed our connecting flight from Miami to Guatemala City. A lady named April picked us up, along with these two dudes. I didn't really catch their names. I spoke a little spanish to one of them, just trying to ask him if he needed another strap to tie the suitcases down, but he said no. The way he answered me made me feel like I asked the question wrong, but maybe he was just trying to get stuff done. The hotel we're staying at is totally legit! We've got WiFi too? Say guaaaat? I'm rooming with Mathias and another guy named Cole I didn't meet until Friday. Seems like a cool dude, though. We've got a KING SIZE BED in here! Along with a fire place, a fridge, a safe deposit box, a hot shower, a toilet, hardly "roughing it", more like we've got our own Guatemalan Penthouse!

We went around the city a little bit, had lunch in this Camino Cafe place that looks like it's adjacent to the church that we'll be working with. The church is called Iglesia Del Camino, which means Church of the Street, or Sidewalk, or Pathway. I think we're going to church there in the morning. They said the service is bilingual, which I guess is cool, but I was kinda hoping that it would only be in Spanish. Kinda sucks, but it would be kinda pointless & useless for others to go if they couldn't understand. It'll be cool, hopefully.

We walked around a little bit, but didn't really get to see too much of Antigua outside of the semi-tour that April gave us from Guatemala City to Antigua. She said that Taco Bell is better here? I'm thinkin, maaaan gimme some GUAT food! Haha but I'm sure we'll get some of that soon enough. The dinner they gave us tonight was pretty good. We went to this place called Pollo Campero... Kinda hectic, but the food was pretty awesome. It's basically exactly like KFC but with a Spanish name lol.

One thing that was cool is there's a VOLCANO right by where we're staying!! April said that one of the volcanos erupted like TWO DAYS AGO but it wasn't the one that's right by where we're staying ha. The volcano's pretty pretty though!

Anyway, I guess that ends day 2. Not too much to say outside of being STOKED to be here! Eddie/Eduardo as Colin has decided to call him, told us we'll each be 

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